Thursday, 13 September 2018

The Top 6 Reasons Why Your Body May Not Be Responding To Your Workouts

1. Consistency – If you workout off and on. Some weeks you work out 5 days a week then you might workout 1 or 2 days the next week. Or you workout consistently for a month then get busy and don’t workout for a week or 2.

2. Not having a plan – If you show up at the gym 5 days a week and just take whatever class is on the schedule or wonder around to some random machines without a plan its like grabbing some wood, nails and hammer and expecting to build your dream home.

3. Not working out in the correct culture for your motivation – Its important to know what motivates you. Are you better with an appointment and a one on one with a trainer. if you know you need the constant attention and motivation from a trainer then a class would not be the best choice for you. If you are motivated by camaraderie a trainer would not be the best way to go you would be motivated by a group class.

4. You get out of a workout what you put into a workout – If you show up for a class, appointment, turn on a video or meet a group at a park. Be ready to make every minute count!! Be present! Be on time!! Be ready to workout. You can show up to a workout and fudge your way through it and no one will know (well actually your trainer or group instructor will know) and you will not receive the results you are looking for.

5. Not taking responsibility for your results – You alone are responsible for your results. If something isn’t working get informed and change it. You might not be doing the right workouts for your goal. Don’t continue a workout because its popular or the new “hottest” workout.

6. Not using proper form in your workouts – When you are working out know what muscles are utilized while you are performing the movement. If you just use movement without activating the muscle you will achieve a small amount of results but you are opening up the risk of injury to your body and you will never achieve the results that can only come from the muscle being the lead for all movements in your body.


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