1. You Can't Talk While You're Working Out
If you're breathing too hard to comfortably hold a conversation while you're working out, you're probably pushing it too hard, according to Livestrong. That's a signal to slow down so you avoid serious injury.
2. Your Heart's Pounding — But You're Not Working Out
There are a lot of different reasons your heart rate is elevated, but one of them could be that you're pushing it too hard during your workouts, according to Health. If your heart rate is higher than usual when you're not exercising, says Health, give yourself time to recover and hydrate.
3. Your Chest Hurts
Chest pain during or after exercise can be the sign of something more serious, says Medical News Today, such as a heart attack, asthma, or muscle strain. If you experience chest pain during or after a workout, Medical News Today recommends seeing your doctor to make sure nothing else is going on.
4. You Feel Short of Breath When You Shouldn't
When you exercise you expect to get a little short of breath. But if you find yourself getting short of breath when you're doing something that didn't make you breathless before, that's something to watch out for, according to Harvard Health. That could be a sign of high blood pressure or heart or lung problems, says Harvard Health.
5. You're Feeling Dehydrated
3. Your Chest Hurts
Chest pain during or after exercise can be the sign of something more serious, says Medical News Today, such as a heart attack, asthma, or muscle strain. If you experience chest pain during or after a workout, Medical News Today recommends seeing your doctor to make sure nothing else is going on.
4. You Feel Short of Breath When You Shouldn't
When you exercise you expect to get a little short of breath. But if you find yourself getting short of breath when you're doing something that didn't make you breathless before, that's something to watch out for, according to Harvard Health. That could be a sign of high blood pressure or heart or lung problems, says Harvard Health.
5. You're Feeling Dehydrated
It doesn't have to be super hot out for you to get dehyrated, according to Livestrong. If you go HAM during your workout but don't drink enough fluids, says Livestrong, you could get dehyrated. Livestrong recommends looking out for feelings of dry mouth, decreased urination, dizziness, fatigue, and muscle cramps, or even a headache. Make sure you're keeping water on hand before, during, and after your workouts, too.
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