Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Pre-Workout Foods That Build Endurance

Fresh Fruit

Fresh fruit is a class pre-workout staple for a reason. It contains natural sugars and offers a range of medium to high glycemic index carbohydrates, meaning it will give your blood sugar a nice boost. Fruits are perfect to eat before shorter workouts that are of an intensive nature.


pre-workout foods | Longevity LIVE

Yogurt is another one of the most excellent pre-workout foods because it is full of healthy protein, and the options are limitless. The carbohydrates in yogurt are on the lower end of the glycemic index, which makes it a great snack for longer endurance workouts, but if you pick a yogurt with fruit at the bottom, it’s a great fuel for high intensity, brief workouts as well! You can’t go wrong here!

Fresh Juice

Fresh juice, if sipped for at least thirty minutes before a workout and followed by some water, is an excellent energy booster to imbibe before you exercise. Most freshly squeezed juices contain high glycemic index carbohydrates, so you’ll get that quick boost of energy, and following it up with some water will help prevent any unwanted cramping. Do note that it’s always better to enjoy raw fruit over fruit juice since juice delivers a high sugar content without the fibre of fruit, but as mentioned it can give you a good energy boost to carry you through your workout.

Energy Bars

Some energy bars are an excellent pre-workout snack, but you have to read the label carefully. Any bar that has over 5 grams of fat, 5 grams of fiber, or 10 grams of protein is better after you work out, since the body has a tougher time digesting fat and fiber. Otherwise, shoot for a protein bar with around 40 grams of carbohydrates an hour or two before you engage in exercise and feel fantastic afterward. Once again, remember that a lot of the energy bars you’ll find are packed with added sugar, which is not something you want to include in your pre-workout foods.


If you’re going for a morning workout, a bagel is a great option, especially if it is whole grain. Whole grain bagels give you carbohydrates that are on the lower end of the GI spectrum and help you power through a longer workout.
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