Friday, 5 July 2019

Are You Skipping This Crucial Type of Workout?

Spinning. Check. Barre. Check. Yoga. Check. If you’re a regular at the gym, chances are you’re getting in your cardio and strength training. But one type of workout you’re likely overlooking is balance. And moves that specifically target balance aren’t just for seniors.

“Balance is key to functional movement as it is necessary to perform your everyday movements like lunging, squatting, bending, pulling, pushing, rotating and locomotion,” says Michaela Raagas, Master Educator at Technogym. “These fundamental movements are used in everyday activities and a variety of sports. Improving balance can contribute to better performance and help with preventing falls and injuries.”

To improve your balance, try incorporating a few balance moves into your regimen. How often you need to do them to reap the rewards varies from person to person and depends on how their balance is to begin with. “These balance exercises are easy to incorporate into your daily workouts, even as part of your warm up,” Raagas says. “Strength training should be done two to three times a week and can help improve your balance by working the muscles that keep you stable.” Raagas recommends giving one of these exercises a try:

Pistol squat

  1. Stand on one leg.
  2. Squat down on the standing leg while the opposite leg straightens out to the front.
  3. Come up to return back to standing position on the one leg.

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