Monday 18 June 2018

6 Easy Ways To Build a Better Body at Home in One Month

1. Eat the right amount of food at the right time

Healthy food is the precursor to healthy body. Choose the right kind of food to eat at the right time in order to replenish lost nutrients immediately while keeping body fat to the correct required amount

2. Have a balanced diet

While protein is important, you must also get required amount of carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals. Eat three square meals a day. Eat one-fourth amount of protein, one-fourth amount of carbohydrates in the form of whole grain bread, one-eighth amount of fruits and the rest vegetables for vitamins and fiber. Snack on protein rich food like a glass of milk, a piece of cheese, or oats bars and fruits instead of chips, fries and other processed sugary foods. Good food combined with one hour of intense physical activity like running, swimming, walking and other complete body workout will help you with how to develop muscles without gym.

3. Formulate a complete body workout without going to the Gym

  • Run for fifteen minutes; Increase the time in increments of five minutes as you build stamina. By the end of the month, you should be able to run for thirty minutes without getting drained. Running is how to develop muscles without gym. Start with a slow jog and gain speed. Pace your run with uniform strides to prevent early exhaustion and increased stamina.
  • Do five squats at the beginning and increase the number to fifteen slowly as you build stamina. Stand with your feet parallel to each other and shoulder width apart. Raise your arms till they are parallel to the floor and parallel to each other. Keep your neck straight and look ahead. Pull your tailbone down and pull your abdominal muscles inside. This will ensure your back is straight. Bend your knees pushing your hip and buttocks back. Once your thighs are parallel to the floor, slowly straighten your knees and return to starting position. As you build more stamina over time, try to hold the squat for a few seconds up to half a minute.
  • Do pushups, crunches, lunges, and triceps dips.

4. Walking is a great workout for muscles

If you have never exercised before and are looking for how to make body at home without gym, you can start with brisk walking. Walk for fifteen minutes on the first day. On the third day walk for twenty minutes. Walk briskly and mindfully. Take uniform strides and inhale and exhale completely. Count to four while your inhale and count back to one from six while your exhale. As your exhalation gets slower-you are more relaxed and you will burn more calories in a given amount of time. Pay attention to your breath while you brisk walk to maximize the benefit or the cardio vascular routine. By the end of the month, you would have developed a lean muscle mass; you would also have upped your walking time to one hour. Your stamina will be improved and you will be able to run easily.

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