Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Why Choosing What You Eat After a Workout is So Important

Executing a successful nutrition and hydration plan after your workouts is one key element to successful training and racing. When considering nutrition and hydration after a workout and race, it is important not only to choose the right type of foods and fluid but also the amount of food and hydration to optimize your recovery.
This is particularly true for triathletes who:
  1. Trained or raced longer than 60 minutes
  2. Complete two or more workouts per day
  3. Workout with less than eight hours between sessions
  4. Train and compete as long course athlete who often meet criteria one through three
The following are the goals for fueling and hydration after a training session or race:
  • To replenish the body’s fluid and electrolyte levels
  • To restore depleted muscle and liver glycogen (stored carbohydrates)
  • Help the muscle tissue rebuilding process with protein intake
  • To improve energy balance for subsequent training

Fuel and Fluid Intake

The timing of your fuel and fluid intake post workout is a key aspect to a productive recovery.  Within 30 minutes post workout, begin fuel and fluid intake for optimal recovery. Your body can restore lost carbohydrates more readily within this time window and the longer you wait the longer that process takes.

Use the following guidelines to help you choose the right protocol for your particular needs:
Fuel: within 30 minutes post workout, consume a mix of carbohydrates and protein and little to no fat. Optimal ratio of carbohydrate to protein is 3:1 to 4:1 or 0.5 -1.0 grams CHO with 0.15 - .25 grams protein per pound of body weight. For a 154-pound athlete this would be 56 grams of carbohydrate and 14 grams of protein. For higher intensity workouts aim for the top end of the range.
Food choices, immediate post workout, can include low fat chocolate milk, most fruit, pita bread with hummus, energy bars, fruit smoothie with protein powder and Greek yogurt. In addition, several manufactures have created recovery drinks which aid in workout recovery when solid foods cause GI complications.

Specific options include:
Smoothie: Greek yogurt and fruit (such as berries and banana) and 4 ounces of 100 percent juice plus spinach

Oatmeal bowl: Oatmeal and tablespoon of peanut or almond butter and banana
One of my favorite options is a bowl of whole grain cereal. This is a great way to get the right combinations of carbohydrates, and proteins with the right amount of calories that is generally well tolerated by the stomach.

Fuel: One to two hours, but no more than three hours post workout, consume an additional 300-500 calories — food choices should come also be in carbohydrate to protein ratio of 3:1 or 4:1 striving for exactly 20grams or 80 calories of protein for optimal protein re-synthesis.

Breakfast tacos: Whole-wheat tortillas plus one egg scrambled, plus low fat cheese, plus a little avocado and a banana or other fruit
25 grams whey protein isolate (or vegan protein), plus 4-8 ounce milk (of your choice) and 1.5 cups cereal (ex. corn flakes cereal)
2 hardboiled eggs + 1.5-2 cups rice

Breakfast sandwich: Whole-wheat English muffin plus 1 egg and low fat cheese and  low-fat milk and fruit1 cup cooked quinoa + 2 tbsp nutritional yeast plus 8 ounce orange juice
Fuel: 4 plus hrs post workout consume a full meal - 600 plus calories - food choices should come from your current healthy eating pattern and should be good distribution of carbohydrates, protein and fats.  This meal does not have to focus primarily on carbohydrates.
Wrap:  two slices bread or 1 potato with 4 ounce chicken, 2 scrambled eggs or 4 ounce tempeh, veggies/leafy greens, ¼ cup smashed avocado.

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