Monday 11 February 2019


Whether you running for losing the extra kilos or just to stay fit, whatever be the cause, running or walking at a right speed has to do a lot with your workout session, you must know about the right speeds of treadmill in order to achieve desired results.  If you are a fleet-footed runner, you must be aware of these things but if you’ve just started or hit the gym just a while ago, it is important for you to know these details. It is only good to be aware. In general, the normal speed for walking ranges from 3 mph to 4 mph while, for running it ranges from 5 mph-7 or 8mph. But it all comes down to depending on the individuals using treadmills.

Initially, the warm up jog should be at slow pace, which may range anything from 3-5 mph for 5-10 minutes. This jog shouldn’t make you unable to speak fully fledged sentences. Start with keeping this mind.  The right speed depends on the runner’s body, his heart rate and age and fitness level. For some, 20 minutes per mile is too fast and for some the same is either moderate or too slow. So, it clearly depends on your own strength and endurance level.

There are two zones of exercising, namely, intensity zone and moderate intensity zone. You must understand what these two mean to be able to design your treadmill workout. Getting hold of the mathematics is pretty simple; all you require is some common sense and knowledge about your own body.

So, when you’ve finished the starting phase i.e. you have done the brisk pace walking or jogging, it is time to upgrade. Increase your speed gradually, and shift it from 3 mph to 4 mph or. This is the advanced phase. Depending on your own fitness level, choose a speed. It should make you feel an urge to breathe more but not obstruct you from talking properly. You must be able to have conversation.

When your body has easily surpassed these two phases, you must now go one step ahead and add interval training to your workout session. Interval training means to shuffle. It strictly means to shift from walking to jogging or running for an interval of 30-90 seconds each. For instance, walking for a minute and then shifting to jogging for the next 1 minute, for 3 minutes or more.

This whole workout scheme needs to be done for at least 30 minutes with ample intervals of break. Relaxing too is pretty much important which means, if you are walking at 3.0 mph for 1 minute, shuffle it with running at 5.0 mph for 1 minute and then take a break of 30 seconds and relax. Running faster burns more calories which in turn results in muscle development and fat reduction, in order to find out your ideal speed for running, you require monitoring your heart rate and breathing rate.  
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