Friday, 10 May 2019

5 ways to get the most out of your lunchtime workout

1. Prep your lunch the night before-  Making the most out of your lunch hour starts the night before with your meal prep. The last thing you want to be doing is spending 10 minutes in a queue or deciding on what to eat after you've trained. Instead, take your lunch in with you, stick it in the fridge and grab it at your desk after your workout. And to save time in the evenings, cook in batch, this way you’ve got plenty of food to keep you going for a few days!
2. Choose your exercise wisely - There are a plethora of exercise options out there for you, from a brisk 15-minute walk to a 30-minute spin class. But the best one has been under your nose this whole time...
3. Stay close to home - Scope out areas close to your office that could work for your session. All you need is an open space – and a bench if you're planning on doing exercises such as step-ups or tricep dips. The closer you are, the longer you can spend working out – or enjoying your lunch after! And you can even integrate your warm-up into your travel by jogging to your chosen location.
4. Don't skip the warm-up - Talking may be tight for time, but by not preparing your body for a workout, you put yourself at risk of getting injured. If you don't plan on running to your location, run on the spot for a minute or two to get your heart rate up, increase body temperature and circulation.
5. Keep a diary to track your progress - To get stronger and faster, you need to be progressively overloading (making them harder) your workouts each week, so aim for that extra rep or add another second to those split squats on the bench. Plan these session goals by writing them down in a diary – and keep a record each week of how you've got on, so you can keep track of your progress.

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