Friday, 17 May 2019

7 post-workout hygiene habits we all must follow

Post-workout hygiene habits we all must follow

Sweating out is natural while gymming. It is a sign of accomplishment and gives a sense of satisfaction. But we also know that a gym is full of sweaty bodies and sweaty clothes, which is an ideal environment for breeding of germs and bacteria. In such a situation, it is important to follow good post-workout hygiene habits. Skipping these can put a person at the risk of developing harmful diseases. Here are some important things you should do without fail: 

Wash your hands properly

As soon as you are done with your workout, immediately rush to the washroom and wash your hands properly. Public places, including the gym, are full of harmful bacteria. Hundreds of people touch the equipment every day and germs present in their hands get transferred to the equipment.

Wipe down your equipment

Wipe down the gym equipment after you are done with your workout. Most of the people overlook this important gym hygiene habit, which can prove to be harmful to others. Sweaty gym equipment is an excellent place for the multiplication of germs. Use a spray or wipe down your equipment before and after using it.

Clean your yoga mat

Do not forget the yoga mat after coming back to home. The mat in which you practiced yoga to calm your mind and body is full of germs and sweat. Various studies prove that yoga mat which has numerous small holes are a potential breeding ground for fungus and bacteria. It is even better to take your own yoga mat and avoid the communal yoga mats. 

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