Massage can help reduce pain from exercise.
Research indicates that massage therapy can reduce inflammation of skeletal muscle damaged through exercise
Massage can make you look younger
Massages stimulate blood flow, which is why regular gentle rubbing and kneading might keep your face looking healthy and radiant
Massage can help beat PMS
A massage could banish mood swings, bloating, headaches, weight gain, and other PMS symptoms, according to a study by the Touch Research Institute and University of Miami Medical School.
Massage benefits chronic pain relief
Sufferers of chronic soft tissue pain (arthritis, fibromyalgia, disc problems, degenerative joints) can find relief after only a few massage therapy sessions, says Nancy M. Porambo, licensed massage therapist with the American Massage Therapy Association

Massage can help treat side effects of cancer
Researchers in Boston found that patients with metastic cancer reported better sleep, less pain, and overall better quality of life after receiving massage therapy.
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