Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Why Choosing What You Eat After a Workout is So Important

Executing a successful nutrition and hydration plan after your workouts is one key element to successful training and racing. When considering nutrition and hydration after a workout and race, it is important not only to choose the right type of foods and fluid but also the amount of food and hydration to optimize your recovery.
This is particularly true for triathletes who:
  1. Trained or raced longer than 60 minutes
  2. Complete two or more workouts per day
  3. Workout with less than eight hours between sessions
  4. Train and compete as long course athlete who often meet criteria one through three
The following are the goals for fueling and hydration after a training session or race:
  • To replenish the body’s fluid and electrolyte levels
  • To restore depleted muscle and liver glycogen (stored carbohydrates)
  • Help the muscle tissue rebuilding process with protein intake
  • To improve energy balance for subsequent training

Fuel and Fluid Intake

The timing of your fuel and fluid intake post workout is a key aspect to a productive recovery.  Within 30 minutes post workout, begin fuel and fluid intake for optimal recovery. Your body can restore lost carbohydrates more readily within this time window and the longer you wait the longer that process takes.

Use the following guidelines to help you choose the right protocol for your particular needs:
Fuel: within 30 minutes post workout, consume a mix of carbohydrates and protein and little to no fat. Optimal ratio of carbohydrate to protein is 3:1 to 4:1 or 0.5 -1.0 grams CHO with 0.15 - .25 grams protein per pound of body weight. For a 154-pound athlete this would be 56 grams of carbohydrate and 14 grams of protein. For higher intensity workouts aim for the top end of the range.
Food choices, immediate post workout, can include low fat chocolate milk, most fruit, pita bread with hummus, energy bars, fruit smoothie with protein powder and Greek yogurt. In addition, several manufactures have created recovery drinks which aid in workout recovery when solid foods cause GI complications.

Specific options include:
Smoothie: Greek yogurt and fruit (such as berries and banana) and 4 ounces of 100 percent juice plus spinach

Oatmeal bowl: Oatmeal and tablespoon of peanut or almond butter and banana
One of my favorite options is a bowl of whole grain cereal. This is a great way to get the right combinations of carbohydrates, and proteins with the right amount of calories that is generally well tolerated by the stomach.

Fuel: One to two hours, but no more than three hours post workout, consume an additional 300-500 calories — food choices should come also be in carbohydrate to protein ratio of 3:1 or 4:1 striving for exactly 20grams or 80 calories of protein for optimal protein re-synthesis.

Breakfast tacos: Whole-wheat tortillas plus one egg scrambled, plus low fat cheese, plus a little avocado and a banana or other fruit
25 grams whey protein isolate (or vegan protein), plus 4-8 ounce milk (of your choice) and 1.5 cups cereal (ex. corn flakes cereal)
2 hardboiled eggs + 1.5-2 cups rice

Breakfast sandwich: Whole-wheat English muffin plus 1 egg and low fat cheese and  low-fat milk and fruit1 cup cooked quinoa + 2 tbsp nutritional yeast plus 8 ounce orange juice
Fuel: 4 plus hrs post workout consume a full meal - 600 plus calories - food choices should come from your current healthy eating pattern and should be good distribution of carbohydrates, protein and fats.  This meal does not have to focus primarily on carbohydrates.
Wrap:  two slices bread or 1 potato with 4 ounce chicken, 2 scrambled eggs or 4 ounce tempeh, veggies/leafy greens, ¼ cup smashed avocado.

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Tuesday, 30 October 2018

These 8 Ab Exercises Train the Most Important Core Muscles for Cyclists

Why It Works: Despite the straightforward motion of the bike, your body moves in three directions: forward as you head down the road, vertically as your legs pedal up and down, and laterally as your hips and upper body rock side to side. This exercise builds control that helps you minimize wasted motion.

Why It Works: In addition to stretching the hip flexors, often extremely tight in cyclists, the bridge strengthens the link between your lower back and glutes.

Why It Works: This movement builds backside strength, for added efficiency on the second half of the pedal stroke.

Why It Works: The plank builds the strength and muscular endurance you need to ride powerfully in the drops or in an aero position long after others have surrendered to the top of the handlebar.

Why It Works: Strong obliques improve your stability in the saddle, letting you take on hairpin corners with more control and speed.

Why It Works: A comprehensive movement that connects key cycling muscles, the kick also builds inner-thigh muscles, which help you achieve hip, knee and forefoot alignment for a proper and efficient pedal stroke.

Why It Works: Contrary to its name, the catapult encourages supreme body control. Avoid using the momentum of the movement and rely on your abdominals for control.

Why It Works: As with the plank, this pose builds the lower-back stability and core strength needed to remain bent over the handlebar for hours, or to blast up hills without compromising power or speed.


Monday, 29 October 2018

Top 10 Best Treadmills in India to Buy For Home Use

Treadmills have made it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Going to gym every day after troubling yourself for hours in traffic is a major turn off. To add fuel to the fire, weather makes situation even worse due to the uncertainties. In order to prevent oneself from so much torture, treadmills were invented. And they serve the purpose aptly.

More than a machine, treadmill is an investment. It is a long term purchase that can ensure the user of high-end merits if only right kind of treadmill is bought in on right time.

Although buying a treadmill is not rocket science but it isn’t like eating a piece of cake either. Several things shall be taken into consideration while researching about treadmills after all; a lot of money is involved in it. Needless to say, treadmills are no cheap. Therefore, it is important to learn about them before you get into the process of selecting your dream machine.

Many people hesitate to buy treadmills for the image they have in their minds of the treadmill is somewhat old fashioned. For them it’s a huge mechanical machine which requires a lot of space and manpower. Gone were the days, when treadmills used to be heavy and large, simply not at all easy to transport from one place to another.

With times changing, technology has made advancements par excellence. Treadmills nowadays are more of a health package- best for your hectic days. These modern treadmills have inbuilt multi media player, bottle holders, mobile holder, strong and durable DC motors, great weight capacity and auto lubrication and auto inclination features.

In spite of all the features, treadmills are still mistaken to be expensive. Obviously budget matters. Going over the budget to buy something can create problems in your financial stability. Therefore, budget should also be considered as an important point while going to buy treadmills.

Buying the best treadmills online needs hours of research and knowledge to save you from the tiresome job here is the list of top 10 treadmills to buy for domestic use in India under 50,000.
  • UrbanTrek™ TD-M2® 100% Pre-Installed, Modern Style Treadmill-
  • UrbanTrek™ TD-M3 100% Pre-Installed, Multi-Feature, 100% Flat Treadmill-
  • UrbanTrek™ TD-M4 Motorised Treadmill –
  • UrbanTrek™ TD-A3 Premium Series Treadmill-
  • TDM-97 Motorized Treadmill
  • TDM-98 Motorized Treadmill-
  • TDM-100M® Semi-Auto Lubrication Multifunction Treadmill-
  • TDM-125S® Multi-function Treadmill
  • TDA-125 Motorized Treadmill-
  • TDA-330S® Multi function Treadmill
Read full information here
Top 10 Treadmills

Saturday, 27 October 2018



You might have wondered what is the use of sweating so much, right? So, here are 10 of biggest benefits of aerobics-

1.     BLOOD PRESSURE- After a certain age blood pressure becomes the real issue. Gobbling up pills everyday to control your blood pressure can be hectic. Taking pills on a regular basis can even distraught you. The safest and the best way to control BP are doing aerobics. Walking, jogging and even running or cycling can be a good idea.  

2.     GOOD CHOLESTEROL- Not all the cholesterol is bad. Therefore, your body needs good cholesterol to function properly. Doing cardio every day can increase the level of HDL (High Density Lipoprotein). It helps in removing the bad cholesterol from the body and lowers the risk of heart diseases.

3.    WEIGHT LOSS- One of the biggest merits of doing cardio is you can lose weight, manage your weight and even control it. Doing basic aerobic activities such as walking and running can burn hell lot of calories.

4.     SORE MUSCLES- Aerobics can treat your sore muscles; this can be considered one of the biggest merits of aerobics. Stretching and doing yoga can release the pain of the muscles.

5.     GOOD FOR CANCER- This deadly diseases can also be cured or aid in fighting with cancer, to say the least. Cancer treatment can take a serious toll on your physical and mental health. During the treatment, the body weight of the patient fluctuates in very abnormal manner therefore; to maintain proper weight cardio is a must.

6.    OESTROPOROSIS- It is an ailment mostly found in older women. In such a condition bone density gets lowered down. Many people considered not doing much of physical activity as it can lead to fracture or bone damage. Well, on contrary doing cardio regularly in osteoporosis can help in increasing the bone density and provides them strength.

7.    IMMUNE SYSTEM- A normal or an average workout/exercise session is important to keep the body fit and healthy. To ensure that your body is fit and ready to fight against bacteria and infections, it is furthermore important to keep your immune system strong. And in order to do that, one needs to do aerobics every day. Regular walking or jogging helps in increasing the quantity of white blood cells in the blood. These WBCs are important to fight from germs. Time to wear your track suit and walk around a bit.

8.    DIABETES- Cardio training activities help in burning out the extra amount of glucose that is produced in the body which in turn helps in controlling the condition of impaired glucose tolerance. This is essential in order to control the diabetes. Cardio strengthens your heart and large groups of muscles, controls blood sugar levels, and sheds off extra fat from the body. Regular exercise is recommended for those diagnosed with diabetes. And the best workout for them is doing cardio every day. 

9.    ENERGY- Doing aerobics every morning will energize you on another level. It can boost up the energy levels that can help you in keeping yourself productive and fresh all the time.

10.     MENTAL WELL- BEING- It goes without saying that cardio is essential for mental well being. Since it does so much good to your body, it is needless to say that it can cure your mental ailments too. It is a sure shot way to eliminate the stress, anxiety and depression from your brain. Walking for an hour in the morning or in evening, for that matters will help you develop confidence, enhance your self-esteem. As aerobics provides you with a well-built body structure and strength, it makes you less insecure of your body image.

So many benefits from one exercise!!  What else does your body need? Aerobics is the solution for all your problems. Period.
Original article published on Powermax Fitness

Tuesday, 23 October 2018

6 Things You Should Never Do After A Workout

Don't skip the stretch and cool-down.

Every minute spent stretching or cooling down after a workout might feel like one more minute you could be out of the gym and living your life, but you really should stretch. Better yet, you should do some sort of self-myofascial release, like foam rolling, in order to improve circulation and help relax your muscle tissue after a hard workout.
Don't wait to have a snack.

Ideally, you should aim to eat within 30-45 minutes after a workout in order for your body to properly synthesize nutrients that will help with muscle repair, according to the American Council on Exercise. If you don't have a drink, a special smoothie, or protein barhandy that's okay, just eat something with about a 3-4:1 carbohydrate-to-protein ratio, like a banana, nut butter, and cup of milk, for example.
Don't keep your sweaty clothes on.

Doesn't matter how cute your athleisure lewk is, you've got to change out of your sweaty clothes after a workout. Doing so will help prevent uncomfortable vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis or yeast infections from popping up. See, bacteria and yeast thrive in a damp, dark environment like damp leggings and technical fabrics.
Don't take a smoke break.

In a world where Juuls are ubiquitous, you may not realize the very real impact that using nicotine can have on your body. The nicotine and carbon monoxide from cigarettes specifically can cause arteries to narrow over time, which means your heart has to work harder to pump blood to your heart, muscles, and organs, according to the National Institutes of Health. Your muscles need oxygen to do their job, so you can imagine why smoking and working out just don't mix.
Don't get drunk.

While you're probably not going to down shots after your morning indoor cycling class, there may be some times when you hit up a boozy brunch after your barre class. In general, that's not a great habit to get into, because when you're already dehydrated from a workout and then drink alcohol (which is a diuretic), you tend to get drunker faster. Plus, other studies suggest that drinking regularly after exercise could change how your nervous system tells your body to work in some way.
Don't pull an all-nighter.

Sleep is a very underrated aspect of workout recovery. During the rapid-eye movement (aka REM) stage of sleep, your body repairs and rebuilds its tissues that were damaged during the day. So, skimping on sleep after a solid workout not only makes it harder to wake up the next morning for your workout, but it also screws with the progress you could otherwise reap.

Monday, 22 October 2018

Here are 5 foods not to eat before a workout

A person needs to eat well before a workout. However, there are certain foods that will cause you more trouble than good before a workout. Here are top five foods to avoid before hitting the gym:

1. Dairy
Eating/drinking dairy products before a workout could cause you digestive distress. It will only make you feel burpy and lethargic causing you discomfort during your workout. Always avoid dairy products before a workout.

2. Green bananas
Green bananas have high content of starch. Eating a ripe banana but with a green color before a workout cause excess gas and bloating. This is because they are hard to be digested.

3. Hard-boiled eggs
Boiled eggs contain protein but not carbohydrates that the body needs for energy. Proteins takes a long time to digest hence will cause bulk in your stomach. This will make you strain a lot during exercises. Eat boiled eggs after exercises to help in recovering.

4. Spicy food
You don’t want a heart burn during exercises right? Eating spicy foods before a workout might bring you one. During exercise, food in the stomach gets moved up and down. When this spicy food gets back into the esophagus, they cause a bad heartburn.

5. Energy drinks
Most energy drinks contain caffeine and sugar. These drinks can sometimes cause gas, bloating and fatigue when taken in a rush. Also, they are not good at keeping you hydrated which is the best thing when working out.


The best workout for when you have zero time and zero space

There are many ways to combine cardio and lifting into the same workout, and each has its own advantages. If you’re pressed for time and limited with space and equipment, complexes are the best of these options.

“A complex is a group of exercises done using one piece of fitness equipment,” says NYC-based trainer Joe Dowdell - say, a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, or a suspension trainer. The movements are performed back to back, and you don’t rest until you’ve finished all your reps for every lift.
“Complexes are very time-efficient, and are great for fat loss,” says Dowdell, “because you perform a high volume of work in a short period of time - 15 to 30 minutes.”
Use this advice:
  • Choose lifts that feed into one another. For example, performing a hang clean brings the barbell to your shoulders, which then allows you to do a front squat seamlessly. From the top of the front squat you can easily perform an overhead press.
  • Connect four to eight exercises, and do five to seven reps for each. Do all the reps for one move and then go on to the next. Recover for 45 to 90 seconds after one round - or until your heart rate returns to 60 to 65 percent of its max. Repeat for four to six rounds.
  • Use the same weight for every exercise in the series. The lift that you’re weakest in will ultimately determine the load that you use. For example, you can certainly front squat more weight than you can overhead press, but you’ll have to use your pressing weight for the whole series. That’s okay, as complexes are for conditioning, not maximum muscle gains-the weight is just a means of getting your heart rate up. “It’s best to start with a light weight,” says Dowdell, “sometimes just the bar itself, and slowly build up.”
  • Hang Clean
    play(MITCH MANDEL)

    Start by holding the bar in front of your thighs with your hands at shoulder width. Your feet should be hip-width apart. Bend your hips and knees so that the bar lowers to just above your knees. Your head, spine, and pelvis should be aligned and your core tight (think: ribs down).
    Then, explosively extend your hips and knees as if jumping, while at the same time shrugging your shoulders and pulling the bar straight up in front of your torso. As the bar reaches chest level, bend your elbows and flip your wrists to catch the bar at shoulder level, palms facing the ceiling. Bend your hips and knees as you catch the bar to absorb the impact.

  • Front Squat
    play(MITCH MANDEL)

    From the top position of your last hang clean, set your feet between hip- and shoulder-width apart, and turn your toes out slightly. Take a deep breath and squat as low as you can, while keeping your head, spine, and pelvis aligned. Keep your elbows pointing forward to balance the bar.

    Push Press
    play(MITCH MANDEL)

    From the top of your last front squat, dip your knees quickly and then come up explosively so that your legs help you press the bar overhead. Lower the bar to shoulder level again and repeat.

Saturday, 20 October 2018


  1. REDUCED CHANCES OF INJURY- Treadmills have smooth surfaces and it impacts less on the lower body parts such as legs and knees as compared to the concrete pavements and roads. Running on roads might cause you some serious problem plus busy roads and traffic is not safe place to do your evening jog.
  2. ENABLES YOU TO KEEP A CHECK ON YOUR HEALTH- The digital LCD monitor placed on your treadmill helps you in keeping a watch on your health. It shows the speed, distance and calories so burnt. It will help you track your improvements which you won’t be able to do while running on road.
  3. START A RACE WITH YOURSELF- Modern day treadmills come with various new and effective features that can benefit you in several ways. Modern treadmills are programmed in such a way that it provides you with facilities of racing with yourself. A demo race kind of a thing. It can help you train yourself for the ultimate race of yours.
  4. TREADMILL IS GOOD FOR HEART- Treadmills are good for heart as it demolishes or reduces bad cholesterol and increases the level of good cholesterol in the body which helps in preventing heart blockages. New treadmills have a heart rate monitor which is very much useful in closely keeping an eye on your heart rate.
  5. TREADMILLS ARE PERSONALIZED- Treadmills are safe, personalized and comfortable. You can use it at any hour of the day. At gym or in any fitness centre for that matters, there is always a huge queue waiting for their turn to use treadmills that too for a very short span of time which doesn’t even completely satiate your urge. But using a personalized treadmill gives you the exact King like workout feel within the space of your home.
  6. INCREASED BONE DENSITY- There is a certain amount of minerals present in our bones, running more will increase the level of minerals present in the bones, making it stronger and tougher. This is called bone density. Treadmills provide you with proper running session that can increase the amount of minerals in the bone. Increased bone density helps in fighting against several fatal diseases which cause painful sensations in joints.

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Workout from Home is possible?

Many experts think human bodies are shaped the way they are because we evolved to be extremely effective endurance runners. So it's perhaps no surprise that running is strongly associated with a number of benefits for our bodies and brains. Running is one of the most straightforward ways to get the important benefits of exercise. Since it improves aerobic fitness, running is a great way to help improve cardiovascular health. Plus, it burns calories and can build strength. This shows that no matter what pace you're going, moving has positive effects.

Researcher also found that the more people ran, the less likely they were to suffer from knee pain or osteoarthritis. While it's hard to say that running directly caused people to experience less knee pain, researchers think that could be the case since running helps people keep their BMI in check and their leg muscles strong. Running also strengthens bones.
The differences between running on treadmills and running outdoors, and the general consensus is that both types of workouts are essentially the same. Running outdoors does offer a few mechanical advantages, but Running on a treadmill may be preferable in certain circumstances. For example, exposure to extreme weather, the threat of being run over by cellphone-yapping drivers or chased by dogs, etc.

There's no doubt that treadmills can provide a valuable workout. if you want to practice running at your goal pace before an upcoming race, you can take advantage of your ability to dial in a precise pace on the treadmill and use it to get your body and mind accustomed to holding that pace steadily. In fact, many competitive runners consider the treadmill a critical component of their training regimen. The Norwegian runner Ingrid Kristiansen, often trains on a treadmill, according to an article published by Road Runner Sports. She has held world records in 5K, 10K, half-marathon and full-marathon distances. She has also won marathons in London, New York and Boston.

Here at , we have a wide variety of treadmills that accommodate every fitness level and budget. By having a treadmill in your home, you open a new world of opportunities with your and your families health. For those looking for a high quality folding treadmill without breaking the bank you might like our UrbanTrek TD-A3. UrbanTrek TD-A3 is a Premium Model, features with a lightweight design which subverts the traditional treadmill with folding storage less than 0.5 square meters for your ambition to lose weight. Our customers trust our product for durability, functionality, and technology.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

How Exercise Might “Clean” the Alzheimer’s Brain

For the 50 million individuals worldwide ailing from Alzheimer’s disease, the announcements by pharmaceutical giants earlier this year that they will end research on therapeutics were devastating. The news is even more devastating considering projections that 100 million more people will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease across the globe by 2050, all potentially without a medical means to better their quality of life.

As it happens, though, the pursuit of a therapeutic has been given a lifeline. New research shows that physical exercise can “clean up” the hostile environments in the brains of Alzheimer’s mice, allowing new nerve cells in the hippocampus, the brain structure involved in memory and learning, to enable cognitive improvements, such as learning and memory. These findings imply that pharmacological agents that enrich the hippocampal environment to boost cell growth and survival might be effective to recuperate brain health and function in human Alzheimer’s disease patients.

The brain of an individual with Alzheimer’s disease is a harsh place filled with buildups of harmful nerve cell junk—amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles—and dramatic loss of nerve cells and connections that occur with severe cognitive decline, such as memory loss. Targeting and disrupting this harmful junk, specifically amyloid plaques, to restore brain function has been the basis of many failed clinical trials. This futility has led to a re-evaluation of the amyloid hypothesis—the central dogma for Alzheimer’s disease pathology based on the toxic accumulation of amyloid plaques.

Monday, 15 October 2018

Just 10 Minutes Of Exercise A Day Is Enough To Boost The Abilities Of Your Memory

It’s not like that there’s any dearth of reasons for exercising than you have already, but just 10 minutes of light physical activity might be enough to improve your memory.

Why? Because exercise boosts connectivity between parts in your brain, hence improving your memory

The study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, studied the impact of 10 minutes of mild exercise, including the likes of yoga and tai chi, will find it easier to remember where they left their car keys.

The good part was the researchers found these results on participants who were in their early 20s, who performed these exercises at 30% of their peak oxygen intake,
 before evaluating their memory capacity thereafter. 

The portion of the brain that was impacted is called the hippocampus—a region of the brain that is critical of storage of memories and the recollection of them. 

"The hippocampus is critical for the creation of new memories; it's one of the first regions of the brain to deteriorate as we get older—and much more severely in Alzheimer's disease," said project co-leader Michael Yassa, UCI professor and Chancellor's Fellow of neurobiology & behaviour. "Improving the function of the hippocampus holds much promise for improving memory in everyday settings," reported the Science Daily

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Should I Exercise With Lung Cancer?

Exercise during active treatment for lung cancer and long after should be a piece of your treatment puzzle. The American Lung Association reports that "moderate exercise during lung cancer treatment can improve fatigue, anxiety, stress, depression, self-esteem, cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, gastrointestinal side effects and breathing." It can also help you build up your endurance, making you more resilient to the rigors of treatment, Michaels says.
"Sometimes we'll set people up with pulmonary rehabilitation if the doctor wants to increase their fitness prior to surgery," says Scott Marlow, a respiratory therapist at the Cleveland Clinic. Pulmonary rehab includes breathing, stretching and relaxation exercises and is more commonly used for patients with COPD. But it can have some applications for lung cancer patients who need to boost lung capacity. Rehabbing before surgery may speed recovery after surgery and reduce the length of time you'll be in the hospital.
How to Start
Before you begin exercising, speak with your doctor about any specific limitations you may have and what's recommended for your particular situation. There's lots of variation in types and stages of lung cancer and its treatment, with various side effects that could impact what you're able to do.
Once you're cleared for exercise, the key to getting started, especially if you weren't physically active prior to your diagnosis, is "start small, make a little goal and slowly build that up," Marlow says. "One of the things we have to be careful of is for someone to not all of the sudden throw themselves into something too quickly and wear themselves down by overdoing it. We want to make sure they're eating healthy, and we don't like to change too much all at once," he says.
To make sure she's starting her clients off in the right way, Michaels says she typically conducts a one-on-one fitness assessment "to see where they're at and to see if they have preexisting conditions" that might restrict which exercises are good options. For example, "someone who has arthritis and has had a hip replacement may need different exercise from someone who doesn't have any preexisting conditions. So, I like to do a full assessment on the person with lung cancer." Marlow adds that if you have heart disease as well, that can also alter what kinds of exercise would be best and how much you should be doing.

In addition, "everyone heals differently," so your program should be scalable for your needs, Michaels says. "Sometimes people have a partial lobe removed and they actually have reasonable endurance whereas someone else could have the same surgery and just be very deconditioned. Each person with lung cancer really needs, to some extent, an individualized program."
What to Do
The biggest issue for most people going through treatment for lung cancer is fatigue and a lack of endurance, Michaels says. Particularly if you've had a substantial portion of a lung removed, that can impede your ability to breathe freely, so starting small and progressing in the duration and intensity of exercise is the best way to ensure you don't hurt yourself.
You should also consider what you like to do for exercise. "Any type of exercise" is better than none, Michaels says, but as you get stronger, you'll have more options. Think about what you'd find fun, as you're more likely to stick with something you enjoy doing over the long-term. "The best exercise to do is the one that you like to do."
Other Fitness articles

Thursday, 11 October 2018

How to choose the right Home Exercise Equipment?

What is my fitness goal? Or why do I wish to work out?

This is the most important aspect in helping you determine the kind of equipment you need. Your individual goals can spread from losing weight, staying in shape, strengthening muscles, increasing stamina or even getting those six pack abs that would make women drool over you. Pick and choose your goals wisely as you are making an investment for yourself and you should not be bored with it within a short period of time.

How much space do I have in my flat / apartment / house?

You may dream of building a fully equipped gymnasium in your house, but it will last only till you open your eyes to realize that you may not have sufficient space. It is very important that you designate a specific space to the work out equipment as you do not want to assemble them on a daily basis and waste the time that you are actually saving on the commute. Based on your fitness goal and the amount of space available you can now identify what would suit your needs, a treadmill, an elliptical, weights or exercise bike.

What is the amount of money that you are willing to spend?

Lastly you need to decide on a budget that you are willing to spend on your health and fitness goals. While determining the budget, do keep in mind that you are purchasing house workout equipment to save your time and to ensure that you build routine and that you can stick to it. Also , the investment would be a long term investment hence, try and keep your budget little flexible as you would want to invest in something that keeps you interested and also helps you achieve your goals over a period of time and not just immediate goals.

How to choose the right equipment for yourself?

The best way to choose the right equipment is to ensure it fits in all the above three criteria’s – it should help you achieve your goal, it should fit in the available space in your house and it should not burn a hole in your pocket. Once, you have identified something that meets the above credentials, look at customer reviews for online purchases and then place the order. Customer reviews are generally honest and would tell you the exact performance of the equipment. They would also tell you the true quality of the product, which may sometimes be misleading due to the images posted by online sellers. However, if you are willing to purchase it in person, tag along someone who has knowledge about the equipment and which equipment can help you achieve your goals.
Original article

Monday, 8 October 2018

Use a massage chair to enhance your sex life

Use a massage chair to enhance your sex life

There are ample combinations you would think about that seem to relate quite well but I know you never imagined massage chair and sex could make a perfect match. You are not dreaming because this pair can take your sex life to a level that you fantasize about. A lot has been said and even more done in an aim of getting sexually satisfied. Mind-blowing orgasms have been a fantasy, innovative positions turned into a disappointment, scented candles appearing pretty old school but one thing that barely gets attention is massage. 

Enhances relaxation
As awkward or unrealistic as it may seem, using a massage chair to enhance your sex life is absolutely a plus none the less. Why so? Be attentive as you keep reading because amazing sex, bonding and great intimacy with your partner can be achieved through a massage. To begin with, a steamy sex session with your partner requires you to be relaxed. So before you think of that sensual touch by that person who makes your blood rush, get on the massage chair and let it massage your body. After this, you will feel more refreshed and ready to take the task. 

Reduces anxiety
Engaging in sex is likely to cause anxiety especially if it is the first time. However, it is now that you stopped letting your worries take the better part of you. Enjoy a couple of minutes on the massage chair and you will no longer be anxious. Additionally, there might be an issue of concern that might be stressing you out. There can never be an indelible sex experience if your mind is focusing on other issues while your partner is working effortlessly to satisfy you. How unfair could this be? To avoid this, just spare a moment for a session to release your stress. This is because a massage tends to reduce the stress hormones which are known to lower libido. The massage will enhance your concentration during the sexual activities and I can wholeheartedly assure you unforgettable orgasms. Isn’t that the climax for incredible sex? You only need a massage chair and the rest will flow accordingly. 

Sunday, 7 October 2018

Importance of Exercise?? Why Exercise is Beneficial?

Importance of Exercise?? Why Exercise is Beneficial?

Have you ever given a thought to why exercise is beneficial? We think exercise is a way to remain fit and healthy. But, the list just does not end here itself. Before doing any kind of exercise, you should know the importance of it. Some of the beneficial points on exercising are listed as under:
1. Slim and active
Losing weight and remaining fit is what everyone desires. Exercise helps in losing weight and shedding extra pounds from your body. Managing weight is utmost important because as you gain weight, many diseases tend to move with you.

2. A fun thing

Exercises are always fun to do. Try out new workouts and moves and you feel so much more refreshed. People normally opt for simple exercises in the morning like brisk walking, jogging, running out in the open air and it can make your day energetic and bright. 

3. Stamina and energy

Why workout might be a question that can pop up in people’s minds. Exercising is better than having a cup of coffee for releasing stress. 

4. Socialising with people

Not just physical health, but people also get an advantage in the form of making new friends and making new people. When you go out to the playground, there are different people exercising and you can socialise with them freely. You can join a sports club or associations and try out newer exercises. 30 minutes of exercise is just enough for the whole day.

5. Curing of long-term illness and maintaining health

When you exercise, you can keep many diseases like heart diseases and cancer out from your reach. The cholesterol level in the body is decreased which does not allow health issues to enter your body. Heart diseases are most common when one can face when you do not exercise frequently.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Weight Loss: 5 High-Protein Post-Workout Snacks You Can Try

Weight Loss: 5 High-Protein Post-Workout Snacks You Can Try

Post-workout foods: Here are some protein-rich snacks recipes you can try post-workout

Weight Loss: 5 High-Protein Post-Workout Snacks You Can Try
1. Besan chila

 Besan (gram flour) is a very healthy flour to cook with and is packed with weight loss-friendly protein. Here's a quick and delicious recipe that is sure to impress.
2. Quinoa Pancakes
Quinoa is another recommended post-workout snack option for its high protein content. Try these easy-to-make pancakes topped with fresh fruits, for a more filling experience.

3. Spicy Soya Bhurji
This low-calorie protein-rich snack can be eaten alone or be used as a filling in sandwiches. If your spice tolerance is not that great, you can keep it mellow as well.

4. Grilled Herb Chicken Breast With Honey And Asparagus

A stellar recipe packed with the goodness of grilled chicken marinated in honey, thyme, lemon and served with crisp asparagus and potatoes. There, we saw you slurping!
5. Dailya

Daliya makes for an excellent source of protein. Daliya is also high on weight loss-friendly fibres and low on glycemic index. You can mix daliya with milk, or make it savoury.

Tuesday, 2 October 2018


With summer body goal-led workout regimes well and truly underway, many of us are left thinking that the key to a rock-hard, sculpted body worthy of any Victoria's Secret model is countless hours of exercise. But, much to our relief, a new study has found that a few minutes of hard-core training could very well replace a whole exercise class.
As spotted by Harper's BAZAAR UK new research by Victoria University has found that just two minutes of high-intensity exercise—better known as HIIT—could be just as beneficial to your health as a 30 minute spin class.
Asking participants to take part in three exercise sessions of varying intensities during a set amount of time—leaving at least seven days of rest in between each session—researchers observed their energy output within each activity, as well as their post-workout results to determine which method of exercise was most beneficial.
Looking at biopsy results, it was found that the mitochondria—the energy generators of each cell—in each participants' thigh muscles looked almost identical after both long periods of moderate exercise and short bursts of high-intensity exercise.
Or, as researchers put it: "In conclusion, intermittent exercise performed at high intensities has similar dynamic effects on muscle mitochondrial function compared with endurance exercise, irrespective of whether total workload is matched."
After wrapping up their study, researchers determined that we can absolutely be tweaking our workouts to our own levels of fitness and exercise preferences and still achieve our personal health goals:
"This suggests that exercise may be prescribed according to individual preferences while still generating similar signals known to confer beneficial metabolic adaptations."

Monday, 1 October 2018

4 Ways You Need to Change Your Workout When You Get Pregnant


Grab Smaller Dumbbells (But Keep Lifting!)
Research in the journal Physical Activity and Health shows that women who did moderate-intensity resistance training plus aerobic exercise (about three days a week for 30 minutes at a time) had lower rates of pregnancy-related hypertension and diabetes compared with those who didn’t lift. Just don’t hold your breath or hoist a load to the point of straining—both of which can create extra pressure in the abdominal area and pelvic floor, says Brianna Battles, a strength and conditioning coach and the founder of the Pregnancy & Postpartum Athleticism program.

Switch to the Talk Test

Pregnancy creates changes throughout your cardiovascular system, so monitoring heart rate with a tracking gadget isn’t the best way to assess how hard you’re working, says Carrie Pagliano, a doctor of physical therapy and a board-certified clinical specialist in women’s health physical therapy. Instead, use the talk test and dial down your intensity to moderate. “If it takes you more than a minute to catch your breath and hold a normal conversation, you are probably working too hard,” says Pagliano.
Take It Easy On Your Abs
“During pregnancy, you really don’t need to do ab-focused exercises—in fact, at some point they can do more harm than good,” says Battles. Chalk that up to your expanding belly. “The fascia of the linea alba [connective tissue that runs down the midline of the abdominal wall] has to make room for your growing baby, and crunches will add pressure to an area that’s already under stress,” she explains. Besides, being in a face-up position is not advised after the first trimester (unless you use a wedge to prop yourself up), since your expanding uterus can compress the vena cava, the major vessel that brings blood to the heart. As for planks, they can increase downward pressure on abs. Instead, doing lunges and squats should work your abs (and pelvic floor) sufficiently, says Battles. (Or try these 7 Prenatal Pilates Exercises to Safely Strengthen Your Core During Pregnancy.)
Take a Break from High-Impact
It’s not bad for baby—in a healthy pregnancy, she’s got plenty of cushioning—but your pelvic floor can be at risk, says Battles. Too much impact can intensify the downward pressure on these muscles, setting you up for potential complications like incontinence or other issues with weakened pelvic support. (Instead, hit up a barre class. After all, that's Pippa Middleton's pregnancy workout of choice.)