Saturday 21 July 2018

How to tone your stomach and keep it flat

1. Dead Bugs: 20 reps, alternating sides. 2-3 rounds.

This move fires up the entire core, front and back, and strengthens the contralateral muscular slings of the body. Great remedial exercise for pelvic control and addressing structural imbalance in the hips.

2. Kettle Bell Window Wipers: 20 reps. 2-3 rounds.

This move strengthens your obliques, core and legs whilst stretching the upper (thoracic) spine.
Lie on your back with your arms pinned out to the side by heavy kettlebells, palms facing up.

3. Walk Outs. 10 reps. 2-3 rounds.

Make sure the reps are slow and controlled.
This move works the entire core and shoulder girdle. This movement is self limiting - the further out you walk, the more challenging it is.

4. Isometric Cable Hold. 30-60 secs each side. 2-3 rounds.

This move forces the spine to resist twisting and turning, strengthening the abs and protecting the lower back.

5. Reverse Hyper Holds. 30-60 secs. 2-3 rounds.

This exercise is a fantastic way to strengthen the entire posterior chain with particular emphasis on the glutes and the hamstrings without placing undue stress on the lower back.

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